Aboli Prafulla Moharkar
Psychologist & Program Associate
Aboli Prafulla Moharkar has transitioned from the field of investment banking to mental health with the conscious choice of contributing her skills and time to the various communities at large. Her aspiration to make mental health care accessible to all comes from her own experience with mental health care in India.
She has done a Master’s in social work in Mental health from Tata Institute of social sciences, Mumbai. She has worked with various organisations and individuals from marginalised communities through research and intervention programs, suicide prevention projects, advocacy, art-based interventions with people with severe mental illness and counselling intervention with both urban and rural populations.
She believes every individual has inherent skills to face mental health challenges but it needs to be enhanced through various mental health care pathways at different levels in the country. Aboli has a long-term vision and passion to build communities of conscious people with empathy, compassion and better help-seeking behaviour towards mental health.