तनाव (स्ट्रेस) और दुश्चिन्ता (एंग्जायटी) बहुत समान दिख सकते हैं, लेकिन ये दो अलग-अलग अनुभव हैं।तनाव (स्ट्रेस) की भावना - बिना कारण के - लंबे समय तक अगर महसूस हो रही हो, तो यह दुश्चिन्ता (एंग्जायटी) हो सकती है।
यदि आप तनाव या दुश्चिन्ता अनुभव कर रहे हैं, तो कृपया हमारे हेल्प्लायन पर कॉल करें।
अगर आप भारत में सिथ्त हैं, तो आप एक प्रशिक्षित चिकित्सक से बात कर सकते है हमारी फ़्री हेल्प्लायन के द्वारा।ये हेल्प्लायन 24/7 उपलब्ध हैं।
Anxiety vs Stress: FAQs
What is stress?
Stress is how we react when we feel under pressure or threatened. It usually happens when we are in a situation that we don't feel we can manage or control. Some examples of this include difficult situations at work, or family-related pressures.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a more chronic condition, and in some cases is Anxiety Disorder, a mental health condition. It is extremely common, and has symptoms that are very similar to general stress. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may respond to certain things and situations with fear and dread.
How are they similar?
Anxiety and stress share a lot of symptoms. Some that you may notice are:
Feeling nervousness and stressed
Poor sleep
Change in appetite
Being easily fatigued
Having unexplained body pain
Difficulty concentrating
How are they different?
Stress is a feeling that is caused by some external pressure (like work or family issues), that goes away when the issue goes away. It is temporary and the cause is often clear. Stress is a normal human experience that informs us that an issue we face is of significance.
Anxiety, on the other hand, can persist for a very long time, and it is often difficult to identify the cause. Anxiety is a more chronic condition, and people who have it can benefit from psychotherapy, learning coping mechanisms, and in some cases, taking appropriate medication.
“Stress is short-lived and goes away when the issue is resolved. Anxiety is long-term, and there is often no direct trigger.”
How can I get additional help?
If you feel like you need extra support, please scroll down to the Extra Resources section of this page. You can call our 24/7, free mental health helpline to speak to a trained mental health professional at 18005-477-200. You can also email us at help@mindsfoundation.org or schedule a consultation with our therapists through our Affordable Online Therapy page.
Extra Resources:
If you have any questions, need extra support, or want to talk to a trained mental health professional, please feel free to access our resources below. If you need help urgently, or are looking for resources in your city or country, please visit our Get Help Now page.
24/7, free mental health helpline:
If you are based in India, you can reach us directly via call at 18005-477-200 to speak to a trained therapist for free, 24/7.
You can also e-mail us at help@mindsfoundation.org. Please allow 24-48 hours for a team member to get back to you.
We also offer affordable online therapy:
Our therapists are confidential, non-judgmental, and specialised in a variety of different mental health areas. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, use several treatment modalities, and each session is priced starting at 300 INR. You can email us here: therapy@mindsfoundation.org.
There are a lot of individuals in need of professional help. But due to high costs, inaccessibility, and other factors, they may find it difficult to receive proper mental healthcare.